No riding today, I have just woken in my Paris hotel - the longest continual sleep since before the tour started 21 days ago. What I thought might be an interesting way to conclude my journey is to try and give you my insights whilst they are fresh from my experiences. There will not be a book this year - I have quite a lot of orders to fill for the 2015 edition from fellow Loopers in 2019 and the Wates family have asked for copies too.

The way I will do this is firstly to ask myself WHY did I do it?

My inspiration for endurance events comes from people in my life that I loved and love. My Dad - had to do his job whatever the weather, the ups and downs of being a farmer in North Yorkshire made him a strong man, thankfully I have some of his genes, including sheer determination. Richard Boardman - encouraging to the last and still much missed by me and his family, he would have been proud. Liz for pushing me, for saying "go on do another tour" - the most unselfish person I have ever met, my partner for life. Finally all of you who followed my blog or showed interest in my exploits - what an incredible source of energy and courage you have been.

Once I get an idea into my head I begin to believe I can and then the battle is lost to the cause. I would not consider myself an athlete, I am not naturally gifted at sport, I am a grafter, but I love grafting at something that is probably just a bit too big and then I can only envisage what it might be like to do it, never the: what could be the consequences?

I love mountains, their raw possibility, their intimidating presence, their beauty, their breathtaking views. Most of all being outdoors is me.

Finally I have just piled so many great memories into my head that will keep coming back for years. I can remember every minute of this tour and the last one - if you ever want boring to bits, have a coffee with me. I also know I am competitive, a little switch just goes on when I am challenged. Thankfully most of it now is channelled on being tough with myself albeit there were times on this tour where I loved being up the front, leading (maybe that is part of what led to my darker moments).

Tomorrow is 'highlights of the 2019 Tour de France' - stay with me for three more days.



Anonymous said…
Wonderful! I thought the blog would be finished now that Le Loop is over, but this has brightened my rainy Speyside morning to hear that there's more to come.
Really interesting to read of all the inspiration that goes into taking on such a challenge. With the 'other' Tour getting harder by the day, and the 'canicule' heat settling over the race once more, I am more in awe by the day of your achievement.
Once our house renovation is done up here you and Liz must come and visit so that I can be bored to bits. Visit can also include whisky and gin distilleries and tastings and lots of beautiful Speyside outdoors.
That will be fabulous Linda. But we will come by car, not bike! Tony

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